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The ABC of Snowmobiling (2 h) - Learn to drive snowmobile
From €90.00 / 2
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Snowmobiling looks like a fun and easy winter hobby. That's what it is, but it requires knowledge, skill and knowledge. Want to learn how to drive a snowmobile safely on a driving range. You don't need previous driving experience, we start handling the sled from scratch.

With snowmobiling, you can experience the northern winter nature either on guided safaris or on your own. It’s safe and fun when the basics are under control.

After the basics of snowmobiling, it’s easy to go on a guided safari or rent a snowmobile and go on a self-guided trip.

You don't need any previous driving experience, we start handling the snowmobile from scratch. We will familiarize ourselves with the snowmobile safety regulations, snowmobile controls and controls before starting the snowmobile. During the hour, we will go through safe driving on routes e.g. cornering, stopping, reversing, driving on a sloping platform and we enjoyed a hot drink with side dishes in the hut. We will start driving practice safely on the driving practice course, we will also practice driving for two and finally we will take a short training safari on the official route. We enjoyed a hot drink at kota during our workout.


  • Teaching

  • Snowmobile, fuel, insurance

  • Snowmobile helmet and undercoat (warm leather gloves if required)

  • Hot drink at kota


  • Warm winter clothes (boots, gloves and outdoor clothing)

Group size:    2 – 6 persons

Price:             90,00 €/person

SNOWMOBILE SAFETY (a short lecture is included in the lesson)

  • Preparing for winter conditions

    • weather (past, current and future)

    • equipment, break/spare clothing, riding equipment (e.g. shoes, helmet, gloves)

    • First aid (FA bag, hypothermia kit)

    • Phone, 112 FINLAND application, backup power

    • GPS

  • Dressing

    • layering (base, middle and top layer)

    • wind resistance, coldness, draft index

  • Safe snowmobiling

    • traffic rules

    • what to consider when snowmobiling

    • zero tolerance in traffic